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Humpty Dumpty Lyrics


Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall,

Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall,

All The King's Horses And All The King's Men, 

Couldn't Put Humpty Together Again.


Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall, 

Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall,

All The King's Horses And All The King's Men, 

Couldn't Put Humpty Together Again.

Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall, 

Other Information
Definition of "humpty dumpty" as per Merriam Webster is 
"something that once damaged can never be repaired or made operative again"
And that is what humpty dumpty nursery rhyme teaches kids that if something is damaged then it is very difficult to repair it
The Origin of Humpty Dumpty
“The Real Meaning of Humpty Dumpty” is explained below as per "The Secret history of Nursery rhymes"
Humpty Dumpty was a colloquial term used in 15th century England to describe someone who was obese. This has given rise of various but inaccurate theories surrounding the identify of him. The image of Humpty Dumpty was made famous by the illustrations included in the "Alice Through the Looking glass" novel by Lewis Carroll. 
Humpty Dumpty was in fact believed to be a large cannon which was used during english civil war (1642-1649) in the siege of Colchester. 
In 1648 the town of Colchester has a castle and several churches which was protected a surrounding city wall. Standing immediately adjacent the city wall was St Mary's Church. A huge cannon commonly referred to as Humpty Dumpty was strategically placed on the wall next to St Mary's Chruch

A shot from parliamentary cannon succeeded in damaging the wall beneath the Humpty Dumpty which caused the cannon to tumble to ground. The Royalists or Cavaliers, "All the king's men attempted to raise the Humpty Dumpty on to another wall, however, because the cannon was so heavy that "All The King's Horses And All The King's Men, Couldn't Put Humpty Together Again."

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